G.O.Y.A. (Greek Orthodox Youth Association), is the ministry to teenagers of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America for the purpose of fellowship, worship, service, and witness.
Retreats and Camps are an integral part of the program. Since G.O.Y.A. is a ministry under the advisement and spiritual guidance of the Proistamenos, the orientation and implementation of the program reflects the Orthodox Christian Faith, Tradition and Life, including a well-rounded program of religious, cultural, athletic and social activities.
G.O.Y.A. is a ministry to junior high and high school grade Orthodox Christian teenagers. Teenagers should be in 6th through 12th grades to participate.
G.O.Y.A Goal
The goal of the G.O.Y.A. ministry is to lead our young people into experiencing the Holy Orthodox Faith. By developing a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and becoming active sacramental members of the living Church, our young people will be equipped with tools necessary to assist them in their journey towards salvation.
We are very proud of our G.O.Y.A. because it is a place where young people come to learn and grow as Greek Orthodox Christians in today’s society. We have also experienced that many people make new friends and experience their Faith and culture in a loving environment.