Family Promise
We have been blessed to become a part of the interfaith community of Forsyth County churches that serves homeless children and their families through Family Promise. Homeless children and their families are identified and come into the Family Promise Program. A safe haven and good food are provided as well as important skill training for the parents. Our church was selected to be one of the first churches on this circuit which began in the fall of 2016 and, as of November 2020, there are a total of 12 local churches that are hosting families. Our church participates by hosting families four times during the year for one week at a time. Training classes for volunteers are provided on a regular basis.
When our Family Promise hosting week is here, we would like ample volunteer coverage so that the work needed is shared. Take this opportunity to see that our community’s displaced families are provided a place of safety.
Set Up & Tear Down Crew
Need 4-6 strong men and women
Prepare the Sunday school classrooms in the Church. This involves moving furniture, containers and preparing beds in the sleeping quarters.
Overnight Hosts
Need 2 volunteers
We need a couple or a man and woman to stay overnight each night. Training Class is required for this.
Clean Linen Crew
2 or 3 volunteers
Saturday Morning Cooks
Need 2 volunteers
Prepare a nice breakfast on Saturday morning like pancakes and sausage for this one special day of the week. Their usual breakfast fare on weekdays will be breakfast bars and fruit, things they can eat on the go as they will be leaving the Church each morning by 7:00 a.m. and going to the day center where the children will depart for school.
Clean Up Crew
2 or 3 volunteers
Follow behind the “tear down crew” to make certain the facilities are ready to be used by our youth.
Dinner Hosts
Need 2-3 volunteers for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
Provide a meal, stay, eat and have fellowship with the families.
Activity Hosts
Need 2/3 volunteers
Read to younger children, play a game, and help with homework after each hosting dinner.
Philippians 4:17. Paul says “I am not trying to get something from you, but I want you to receive the blessings that come from giving”
With that scripture in mind, Family Promise is offering a special on blessings! Can you think of an easier way to be of service? If you are interested in volunteering, please contact one of the following coordinators or sign-up by following the link below: